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Government Secretary  

Office of the Government Chancellery


The Protocol of the Government (PRFL) is the competent body for matters of protocol as well as ceremonial in the Principality of Liechtenstein and is a division of the Office of the Government Chancellery, which reports directly to the Collegial Government. The ongoing supervision is exercised by the Prime Minister. The PRFL organises and executes protocol events of the Princely House, the Government, the Parliament, and the highest courts. The remit of the protocol office also includes looking after the diplomatic and consular corps, maintaining and updating the list with the order of precedence and the organisation of other official functions in Liechtenstein.

More information: www.llv.li


  • Head of Protocol

    Dr Elena Klien

    +423 236 72 37

  • Deputy of Protocol

    Birgit von Loesch

    +423 236 64 10

Protocol staff

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