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Ministry of Home Affairs,
Economy and Environment

Home Affairs

In cooperation with the responsible offices and specialised units, the Ministry of Home Affairs ensures public safety at the national and municipal level, civil protection, and rescue services. Other key responsibilities of the Ministry include national and municipal citizenship, the political rights of the people, civil status, and the law governing foreigners and migration, with a focus on movement of persons, asylum, Schengen/Dublin, integration, and certificates of citizenship. The Ministry of Home Affairs is also responsible for oversight of the municipalities.


In cooperation with the responsible offices and specialised units, the Economy Department works to maintain and optimise the favourable conditions for companies and employees operating and working in Liechtenstein. To ensure competitiveness and non-discriminatory access to international markets, cooperation at the bilateral, European, and international levels is likewise crucial. The Economy Department's tasks also cover energy, telecommunications, media, and tourism.

These responsibilities include oversight of public entities working in postal services, energy supply, telecommunications, broadcasting, and promotion of Liechtenstein as a business location. In addition to providing and operating critical infrastructure, these entities ensure a high level of public services.


In cooperation with the responsible offices and specialised units, the Environment Department's tasks cover climate protection, the careful use of natural resources, the preservation and improvement of habitats, sustainable ecological agriculture, and the improvement of biodiversity. Because the environment must be preserved as the basis of life for future generations, environmental protection is a key responsibility of the State. In addition to classic national environmental policy, regional and international agreements are also becoming increasingly important, given that environmental and climate impacts do not stop at national borders and accordingly require cross-border solutions.

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